The largest component of a successful undereye filler treatment is your injector’s experience 和 technique. The injectors at 唐纳森整形外科 have over a decade in combined experience performing undereye fillers, 并享有安全交付一致的声誉, 美丽的结果.
你的眼睛是否让你看起来比实际感觉更累? 对于眼睛凹陷的人来说,眼部填充物是很好的, 突出的黑眼圈, 或者轻微的眼袋. If you struggle with looking tired or worn out due to the appearance of your eyes, 眼部填充物对你来说可能是一个很好的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法!
黑眼圈填料, 也被称为撕裂槽增强, is a minimally-invasive procedure where natural HA fillers are injected underneath the eyes to restore lost volume 和 give a more refreshed 和 well-rested appearance. Undereye hollowness can be easily addressed 和 corrected with undereye filler.
When it comes to undereye filler, small volumetric changes make a big difference! 泪槽增强术巧妙地软化了眼下凹陷, 和 is an excellent approach for freshening the appearance of the eyes in a nonsurgical manner. 眼下填充是一种很好的技术,用于纠正因老化而导致的体积损失, 还可以处理眼睛周围的褶皱和皱纹.
眼睛下面有三个小脂肪垫. 通过自然老化过程, 这些脂肪垫下降并减少, causing the lower eyelid to appear more hollow 和 vertically extended than it was before. The semicircle that forms is called a “tear trough”, which is what causes tired-looking eyes.
Some people may be more prone to developing deeper infraorbital hollows due to their genetics or changes in facial musculature. Hollowness may also be caused by a downward displacement of the cheek’s fat pad, 所以你的注射器可能也会推荐 脸颊增大 在某些情况下完全纠正这些担忧. This technique to achieve lid-cheek blending; the line that once separated the two is softened 和 smoothed, 年轻面孔的标志.
For the right patient, undereye filler can really help to brighten 和 rejuvenate the eyes. 黑眼圈填料 patients must have a true hollowing under the eyes due to volume loss in order to be a c和idate for this treatment. Someone with good skin elasticity is an ideal c和idate for undereye filler. Patients who can benefit the most from undereye filler typically don’t need very much of a volumetric change to correct their concerns; otherwise, 他们可能是更好的候选人 黑眼圈手术.
It is important to know that there are many common undereye concerns are not going to be solved with undereye filler, 包括眼部脂肪垫突出(眼袋), 中度至重度眼袋, 还有皮肤问题,比如色素沉着, 幼纹, 或者其他环境或遗传因素导致的黑眼圈. Experienced injectors are comfortable identifying appropriate c和idates for undereye filler, 和 comfortable recommending alternative treatments for which they may be better-suited. 黑眼圈手术 (眼睑整容术), renuvi皮肤紧致(J-plasma), 激光疗法, 肉毒杆菌, Ultherapy, 微针, or 医用护肤品 can be excellent alternative treatments for more specific undereye concerns.
眼部填充物的平均使用时间为8到14个月. Most hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers are indicated to last for approximately one year, but they may last longer or shorter depending the metabolism 和 the facial anatomy of the patient.
The cost for undereye filler will vary based on your individual aesthetic goals, 但澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网费用通常在700美元到1400美元之间. 在你的填充物咨询时, you will receive a quote for the treatment plan your aesthetic provider designs for you, 和 you will also receive additional information on any treatment options that you may be interested in.
The amount of filler you will need is completely dependent on your individual goals for the area, 所以咨询是必要的,以确定. People with an average amount of hollowing will typically begin with one syringe of filler between the two eyes, 而有些可能需要每侧一个注射器.
当你来办公室做眼部填充手术的时候, 你的美容医生会给你做一个全脸检查, 他们会根据你的担忧提出澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网建议. 他们会向你解释澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的所有步骤, 你所有的问题都会得到解答, 你可以在当天接受补牙澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网!
After the filler is injected, your provider may gently manipulate the filler into its ideal position. Filler is made of a malleable substance that is manually adjustable after placement in order to achieve optimal placement 和 distribution. 你可以立即看到你美丽的结果, 甚至在你离开的时候还会得到免费的补妆服务.
一般来说,我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台在眼下填充术中做得很好! We take every step to make sure you have a comfortable experience during the injection, 之后的恢复也会增强. Before the injection, the undereye area will be numbed using a topical anesthetic. The filler itself also contains a numbing agent to help control pain 和 discomfort during 和 after treatment.
任何填充物处理都有共同的风险, but this treatment is safe when performed by a well-trained injector that uses a blunt-tip cannula. The benefit of using a cannula with a blunt tip is that there is no chance of puncturing any delicate surrounding tissue or creating a vascular occlusion. Cannula use in the undereye has become the st和ard of care for qualified injectors, 这大大减少了瘀伤的可能性.
因为眼睛是一个普遍敏感的区域, 肿胀和瘀伤是预期撕裂后通过增强. We usually recommend holding off on treatment if you have important plans coming up in the next two weeks. 填充物在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后的几天内摸起来会很结实, 这是完全正常的,会随着时间的推移而软化. Giving yourself time to heal after receiving undereye fillers is always wise, 并建议看到你最好的结果.
眼部填充物澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后立即可见效果, 我们应该期待美好的结果! The most important thing is to establish clear communication with your injector 和 you are bound to love the results of your tear trough augmentation. 然而, 如果你在澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后还怀疑自己的决定, simply call our office to set up a follow up appointment to discuss options for adjustment or dissolving.
The largest component of a successful undereye filler treatment is your injector’s experience 和 technique. The injectors at 唐纳森整形外科 have over a decade in combined experience performing undereye fillers, 并享有安全交付一致的声誉, 美丽的结果.
我们邀请您在 614-442-7610 安排你的私人会诊. 杰弗里·唐纳森博士. 米歇尔Sieffert. 阅读更多 Dr. 唐纳森 和 Dr. Sieffert的 整形外科专业.